Concrete entrepreneur turns plastic waste into input

It’s amazing what environmental good a smart entrepreneur can achieve when they get an idea. Here’s a recent story:

Resin8 is a process that turns waste plastic into a concrete additive that replaces sand/gravel. It has been developed and commercialised by a construction industry entrepreneur.

  • Designed for modular implementation in regional locations.
  • Turns a waste into a valuable, reusable material.
  • Resilient in the face of food contamination, beach sand and algae from cleanups.
  • Improves concrete characteristics from weight to thermal performance.
  • Takes “difficult” type 3-7 plastics.
  • Gives waste plastic a commercial value to fund collection and cleanups.

That’s at least 4 key Regenerative Business principles, including an opportunity focus, regenerative thinking, circular design and a global/local implementation.

Here’s a link to the source story:

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