Ocean plastic swimwear
Lovely example of Circular Economy products and The Blue Economy principle of “meet local needs from local resources creating local jobs”.
Lovely example of Circular Economy products and The Blue Economy principle of “meet local needs from local resources creating local jobs”.
A common thinking pattern is “more is better” – the best way to solve a problem is to add something more to it. So the answer to traffic congestion? Traditionally, it’s been “Build another highway…” However, the evolution of smarter technology is changing all that.
There have been some fascinating examples of regenerative thinking in action through my Inbox recently. Here are a few that illustrate the great ways that rethinking systems and technologies delivers profit, community benefit and environmental benefit.
HVAC-R offers a wealth of money-saving sustainability solutions that go way beyond electricity and transport.
Queensland farming couple turn waste produce into valuable products from green banana flour to sweet potato vodka.
I’ve been watching the good folk of Yackandandah developing energy independence for years. It started when I first saw cute “golden yaks” on fences in this quiet country village when visiting family there.
The op sustainability solutions offer business trillion-dollar opportunities IF you know where to look