Environmental sustainability cubicle commando

Are you a potential deep green cubicle commando?

I pulled the book “Cubicle Commando. Intrapreneurs, Innovation and Corporate Realities” off my bookshelf this week.  Here’s the back cover intro:

“You don’t have to leave your job to express your true self.  You can do it right there from inside the tent.”  Lisa Messenger & Zern Liew

Likewise, if you want to make a big environmental sustainability difference, you may not need an official ‘sustainability’ job.   Real, long term sustainability is about a system change – you’re already part of the system, so it’s quite probable that you can make a difference from where you’re currently sitting.

What could you do from where you now sit?

Environmental sustainability cubicle commandoThere are all sorts of possibilities, depending on how courageous you are and how skillful you are at influencing.  Some of them might include:

  • Finding a way to introduce an accountant to the thinking behind the recent World Forum on Natural Capital;
  • Getting your purchasing department to trial ‘refill stations’ for whiteboard markers, and maybe even re-manufactured markers;
  • Finding a way to play Gunter Pauli’s video on The Blue Economy “Going Beyond My Own Dreams” for somebody in marketing or product design (or even in the executive group if you’re connected there).

There are a lot of people looking for a ‘sustainability job’ inside the existing linear economy – it’s a tough competition.  Before you take it on, have a close look at where you are now – you might be able to do more good as a “deep green” or “blue economy” cubicle commando.  What other possibilities can you think of?

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