Have you found your tribe?
July 5, 2016
Years ago, I heard a networking expert speak on the difference it made to her business to find her “tribe” – that group of people who understood who she was and where she was coming from. (Instead of having family and friends look at her blankly and say “What?!?!” when she got excited about her…
Water > Carrots > Water
June 8, 2016
“A watery by-product of fruit and vegetable processing, which used to end up in the sewerage system, is now being served at restaurants as premium drinking water.” Yes, this article is about bottled water – but it’s also about a fundamental shift in how entrepreneurs are thinking differently and turning “waste” back in to high-value…
3 great reads for entrepreneurs and intrapreneurs
August 10, 2015
Once upon a time entrepreneurs were thought to be born rather than made. However, like any human craft there’s a strong element of skill. We now know a lot about the skills and habits of successful repeat entrepreneurs. These are 3 of our current favourite skill-builders – along with video intros – for finding, funding…
What do Uber, eBay and smartphones have to do with sustainability?
August 5, 2015
Smart new business models are delivering radical forms of sustainability – without any mention of the “S” word. eBay, Gumtree and others are enabling product reuse and recycling across the globe and in all sorts of market places. Whether it’s a 10 year old girl updating her toy collection, a home handman acquiring tiling tools,…
You know the world is changing when…
July 6, 2015
When leading brands start turning regenerative thinking into business innovation, you know there’s a fundamental mindset shift underway. Here are a few big brand indicators that particularly caught our eye: Adidas collaborates with Sea Shepherd to make running shoes out of ocean plastics: http://www.fastcoexist.com/3048033/adidas-knit-these-sneakers-entirely-from-ocean-plastic-trash McDonalds hooks up with Rocky Mountain Institute to design a Net…
What hooked Naomi Klein into sustainability?
July 5, 2015
A good friend loaned me the book “This Changes Everything” by social activist Naomi Klein. It’s a massive book and I’m still processing a lot of its content.
“Just” is a 4-letter word
February 3, 2015
“Human behaviour doesn’t fit into a simple cause/effect model….Resist simplifications…” – Margo Main In an increasingly complex world, “just” is a symptom of over-simplification that blinds us to possibilities for systems transformation. Maybe it’s an excess of super-hero movies, technology overwhelm, or an industrial culture of production line thinking. A single-answer “solution” about sustainability (or…
Myers Briggs as a tool for innovators
November 17, 2014
A common topic in many of my coaching conversations – especially with sustainability practitioners – is that there are useful models for understanding HOW people are different and what motivates different groups. I’ve found that the four Temperament Types is a useful model for understanding and influencing and gives clients some useful ‘aha’ moments as…
Will government action ‘fix’ sustainability? Really?
September 26, 2014
Most human behaviour is dictated by our opinions and beliefs about the world. If we don’t examine and test them, we can end up becoming impotent, angry and depressed. In the sustainability game and especially in the media, one limiting belief I come across repeatedly is that “Sustainability requires government action.”
Business innovation supplied by nature…
September 24, 2014
Back in the 19th century the human race got hooked into chemical and mechanical engineering. We developed steam power and learned to make soap in quantity, then later fell in love with petrochemicals. While these have been useful tools to a point, their side effects are showing up as increasingly damaging. Biomimcry is showing up…
Sustainia’s top 100 for 2014 makes interesting reading
July 6, 2014
It’s a chilly winter’s afternoon in my home town down under, and I’m catching up on my reading list.
Observing sustainability differently…
May 1, 2014
“We don’t see how things are, we see them according to how we are”. ― Anaïs Nin Modern neurobiology is providing evidence of what philosophers have been saying for a long time. What we observe is controlled and filtered by our beliefs and values, particularly in complex situations. How we see and respond to situations is…
Want to know more about the opportunities and how to find them?
biomimicry blue economy circular economy climate solutions Communication community renewables deep green profit Doughnut Economics generative innovation Influencing innovation delivery innovation diffusion Interface neuroeconomics ontological coaching Project Drawdown Project Regeneration regenerative business renewable energy systems thinking