Ontera Carpet - business sustainability example

Ontera proves Interface is no fluke

It’s great to have a local story to combat “yes – but it’s different here”.  A favourite story of ours is that of InterfaceFLOR – a commercial carpet manufacturer making a big difference. So hearing about the case study of Sydney carpet maker Ontera at a workshop last month was great.Ontera Carpet

Ontera has profited significantly from their sustainability strategy, and their five year results show they’re making great progress “climbing Mount Sustainability”. Some of their results so far include:

  • 40 per cent reduction in electricity and gas use (per m2 finished) over five years.
  • 25 per cent reduction in waste over five years.
  • 40 per cent reduction in water consumption in five years

From a regenerative perspective, their loop-closing explorations are particularly interesting:

  • Diverting used carpet tile from landfill into local reuse and recycling initiatives: and
  • Turning waste trim into an input to carpet underlay manufacture.

Read more about their journey so far at:

http://www.environment.nsw.gov.au/ resources/sustainbus/1019SA_Ontera_cs.pdf

Hume BEN delivers again

This case study was one of many presented by John O’Brien of Australian Cleantech at the City of Hume’s Business Efficiency Network Cleantech session in May. A range of other great case studies are in John’s presentation which is available at:

http://www.hume.vic.gov.au/Business_Major_Projects/ Business_Networking_Training/Business_Sustainability/ Business_Sustainability_Events_News

The City of Hume’s Business Efficiency Network is a great place to find out about what’s happening in Australian regenerative business. Membership is free, event fees are minimal and the food is great too. If you’re based in Melbourne and interested in Resource Recovery, Industrial Ecology or Cleantech then think about joining. Check it out at:

http://www.hume.vic.gov.au/Business_Major_Projects/ Business_Networking_Training/Business_Sustainability

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