7 design principles for Regenerative Business
March 16, 2012
I got seriously interested in sustainability years ago, during post-graduate studies. I was fortunate to be introduced through great books like “Natural Capitalism”, “Cradle to Cradle” and “Biomimicry”. Along with a mass of detail and lots of “reasons why” sustainability was important, I found a set of straightforward strategies that challenge out-of-date 20th century assumptions about the…
An elevator speech for Regenerative Business
March 13, 2012
At a networking event the other day, we were talking about business sustainability. Somebody asked me what I’d say if I found my ideal CEO client next to me in an elevator. KNOW / FEEL / DO One great tip I work with (from Bill Jensen’s Simplicity Survival Handbook) is about being clear in your communication. …
What is this thing called “business”?
March 13, 2012
“Business doesn’t listen!” is a regular complaint that I hear in environmental circles – but what IS business? Essentially, business is a group activity – a process. There is no physical thing called business that we can put in a wheelbarrow. We may be able to put a building, a product, a machine or a person in a wheelbarrow…
10 tips for improved collaboration results
March 5, 2012
A ten-point checklist for evaluating the quality of the offers and requests you use to get things done every day.
“I have a dream” for regenerative business
March 4, 2012
A friend connected me to Simon Sinek’s TED talk “How Great Leaders Inspire Action”.
Into the woods: Seattle plants a public food forest
February 28, 2012
Great initiative in Seattle, documented on Grist recently. A great example of smart local approaches to environmental sustainability: “There’s a stretch of arterial in Seattle’s Beacon Hill neighborhood that I’ve traveled probably thousands of times without giving a second thought to the empty, grassy hillside it parallels. When I heard about plans to create a seven-acre…
WANTED: Strategic roles for sustainability managers
February 26, 2012
I saw an interesting-looking role advertised recently: Sustainability Strategy Manager. From the title, it seemed like it could be interesting. Sadly, when I read it, it wasn’t what I’d hoped. The role reported into Marketing and seemed to be more to do with external communication than with building strategic sustainability capability within the business.
5 tips for effective listening
February 25, 2012
The first step in innovation success is listening – really getting to know the people you want to influence. NLP’s model of primary interest filters provides a handy checklist of 5 things to listen for to help you influence. Use this list to identify what interests different people have and how you could interest them in the results you…
Regenerative business: sustainability’s Third Alternative
February 13, 2012
Stephen Covey’s new book “The 3rd Alternative” showed up in my library this week. My first encounter with Mr. Covey was in “7 Habits of Highly Effective People ” and his distinction between “urgent” and “important” tasks has been a key time management tool for me for ever since.
5 Whys for strategic sustainability success
February 8, 2012
Wandering the web the other day, it occurred to me that the continuous improvement process “5 whys” could be a powerful tool for sustainability. I was watching a LinkedIn conversation on the challenges of consumption, and there didn’t seem to be a whole lot of depth to the conversation.
Smart business is service thinking
January 26, 2012
Behind the products we buy is a complex web of businesses that collaborate to make, transport, store, sell and deliver everything that goes in to the final product. This web is often (simplistically) described as “the supply chain”. Each business in a supply chain is a group of people combining a range of skills, ideas and…
How can understanding Anxiety increase your sustainability success?
January 26, 2012
Sustainability is an anxiety-rich space, so use tools from today’s best “soft” technology to manage your moods.
Want to know more about the opportunities and how to find them?
biomimicry blue economy circular economy climate solutions Communication community renewables deep green profit Doughnut Economics generative innovation Influencing innovation delivery innovation diffusion Interface neuroeconomics ontological coaching Project Drawdown Project Regeneration regenerative business renewable energy systems thinking