Solutions links for regenerative actionists
October 10, 2024
My go-to list of solutions resources worth exploring for opportunity.
Regenerative Design Basics
August 21, 2023
10 key principles for regenerative business development – smarter design thinking that builds your ability to spot new opportunities.
Deep Green Profit – from Handbook to INSIGHTS
January 31, 2022
I’ve turned my 2009 SME regenerative business book into an up-to-date email course. Same straight-forward approach, better and more current examples.
Quotes for regenerators
May 24, 2021
Some of the quotes I keep coming back to on regeneration and innovation delivery.
Society and community and business opportunity
May 24, 2021
Trying to make a business “responsible” AFTER you’ve made it profitable is expensive (and hard to maintain). Instead “begin with the end in mind” and design for regeneration.
Doughnut Economics – a doughnut that’s GOOD for you
October 14, 2020
Kate Raworth’s work on Doughnut Economics is an excellent combination of human behaviour and regenerative thinking. Here are some introductory resources.
The power of Nature – for regenerating YOU
August 7, 2020
Regeneration goes both ways – and research confirms that nature will regenerate your energy and spirit.
Why are we using the word REGENERATIVE?
June 1, 2020
Why talk about “regenerative” solutions rather than “sustainable” solutions? What’s the difference?
Opportunity scanning for entrepreneurial regenerative thinkers
May 11, 2020
The world is going regenerative – and businesses who want an ecosystem to KEEP doing business can make doing good a high-impact business strategy.
Small robot, big environmental savings
March 26, 2020
This recent article from one of my favourite sources is a great Regenerative Business case study – in a part of the supply chain most people never see.
WTF – why the obsession with “the government” fixing climate change?
January 31, 2020
Why – despite an entrepreneur-delivered digital revolution – are we still mostly talking about national government policy and international agreements?
Are you interested in $trillions in opportunity?
April 1, 2018
The op sustainability solutions offer business trillion-dollar opportunities IF you know where to look
Want to know more about the opportunities and how to find them?
biomimicry blue economy circular economy climate solutions Communication community renewables deep green profit Doughnut Economics generative innovation Influencing innovation delivery innovation diffusion Interface neuroeconomics ontological coaching Project Drawdown Project Regeneration regenerative business renewable energy systems thinking