Language: bringing forth a regenerative future…
April 16, 2013
The increasing number of ways we can describe the solution side of sustainability can confuse some people – however it creates a wealth of ways for different groups to get involved.
A quick “body hack” for sustainability change-makers…
February 13, 2013
How to feel positive – even when you’re not. A quick body hack from Amy Cuddy.
Myers-Briggs insights for sustainable business change agents…
January 20, 2013
All too often, Myers-Briggs gets used to label and limit. Get past its corporate HR misuses and it’s a valuable tool in innovation delivery.
3 simple practices for success in the business sustainability game
January 19, 2013
Being positive and practical can be challenging – but there are core strengths you can build to increase your success as a regenerative business leader.
Could you help generate the next Ray Anderson?
December 21, 2012
Radical industrialist Ray Anderson was one of the first to action deliver on “doing well by doing good”. Could you apply the process that turned him to regeneration to an industry leader near you?
Cacti can clean up poisonous soils
December 17, 2012
“Here are a few things you do with a prickly pear cactus: Get poked. Turn its fruit into jam. Use it to clean up dangerous concentrations of selenium in arid California lands. In California’s San Joaquin Valley, a long history of artificial irrigation has impregnated the soil with selenium. In small quantities, selenium is beneficial…
Winning the sustainability game with Good to Great
December 2, 2012
In 2001, Jim Collins published his research into the factors that turned good businesses into great businesses, performing well above their industry average over long periods of time. The title of the book is “Good to Great. Why Some Companies Make the Leap and Others Don’t”.
What’s YOUR sustainability scope?
November 28, 2012
Keeping focussed in the face of overwhelm In a recent interview for The CO2 Manager, I was asked how I stay positive and focussed when sustainability can seem so overwhelming. Thinking about it, what works for me is: For all its downsides, a global population of billion people means that I don’t have to do it all. Even if…
Regenerative business and coaching…
October 15, 2012
What’s coaching got to do with Regenerative Business? In a collaboration with Alan Sieler of Newfield Institute, we explored this question in October 2010. The detail has changed, but the value proposition hasn’t: A business opportunity for coaches We believe that Regenerative Business Coaching is an emerging area of business for ontological coaches and other forms of coaching….
A conversational approach to innovation adoption…
October 3, 2012
Language is the primary human tool for describing new futures and organising action. It’s in conversation that we re-invent the world. That makes conversational skill essential to regenerative business innovation.
Always meant to read Natural Capitalism?
October 3, 2012
If you’re interested in seriously cool sustainability then there’s a book you should read. It’s about more than being good – it’s about reinventing the basic mindsets and models behind the systems that deliver our products and services. “Natural Capitalism” is a big read – and it discusses some exciting strategies for creating the…
Love that LEAF
October 1, 2012
Recently, I had a ride in a Nissan LEAF EV. A friend has just bought one and she took me for a drive. It’s quiet, it’s cool and it’s a distinctive shape in a Megane sort of way. My friend’s experience is that it’s been an amazing conversation starter. In just one week all sorts…
Want to know more about the opportunities and how to find them?
biomimicry blue economy circular economy climate solutions Communication community renewables deep green profit Doughnut Economics generative innovation Influencing innovation delivery innovation diffusion Interface neuroeconomics ontological coaching Project Drawdown Project Regeneration regenerative business renewable energy systems thinking