Are you interested in $trillions in opportunity?
April 1, 2018
The op sustainability solutions offer business trillion-dollar opportunities IF you know where to look
Which Drawdown coming attractions are fast approaching?
March 7, 2018
The first ever research on shifting to an economy that consumes greenhouse gases was released in April 2017. As well as listing 80 current, commercially scalable action opportunities, Project Drawdown’s first report included 20 high-potential “Coming Attractions”.
Beyond cars, coal and consumers – are air conditioning and refrigeration the real climate avengers?
October 10, 2017
HVAC-R offers a wealth of money-saving sustainability solutions that go way beyond electricity and transport.
How best to read “Drawdown”?
May 26, 2017
The book Drawdown isn’t a heavy read – if you treat it more like a magazine. “Start at page 1 and read” is doing it the hard way.
Drawdown: Reversing global warming with current solutions
May 3, 2017
Project Drawdown has completed their first 4 years of climate solutions modelling, and published a list of 100 existing climate solutions.
Drawdown is coming
April 10, 2017
Update 28 April 2017: Well worth the investment, just for a cogent explanation of key issues and options. Biggest surprise (so far): How high up the list Refrigerant Management sits. I’ve loved Paul Hawken’s work ever since I read both Natural Capitalism and The Ecology of Commerce alongside Ray Anderson’s Mid Course Correction. (In sustainability…
We have the technology…
March 1, 2017
… to design regenerative supply chains. Back in the 20th century, “sustainable” products, processes and services were expensive, difficult and unreliable. But that was then…. There’s been a wealth of solutions developed over recent decades to deliver real, practical, efficient, sustainable supply chains. The technology is inherently cleaner, smarter and more efficient than the one-way,…
Want to know more about the opportunities and how to find them?
biomimicry blue economy circular economy climate solutions Communication community renewables deep green profit Doughnut Economics generative innovation Influencing innovation delivery innovation diffusion Interface neuroeconomics ontological coaching Project Drawdown Project Regeneration regenerative business renewable energy systems thinking